Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In today's class we didn't do much. We talked about some things, like what's going to be on the exam, and just questions anyone had. Then we really just sat around. I hope I do well on my exam. Good Luck to all!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Today's class was very fun. We went over the quiz we took yesterday. It went very well. After reviewing the quiz, we had a party, with a lot of food. We had candy, chips, goldfish. We also got to watch this lovely video about some kind of fish.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today in class we took our last test for Mr. Schick's class. The class was very short but I finished in time. We only have two more classes left, in which we will spend reviewing for the exam on Wednesday.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

When Christianity became a real religion it was called the Edict of Milan .
The Huns were the most feared of all the barbarian tribes.
Which of the half of the Roman Empire included most of the major cities and centers of trade? Eastern
Who sacked over 70 cities but failed to take over Constantinople in Rome? Attila
Something about inflation is on the test
Which of the groups were not part of the invasions? Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Burgundians, Lombards, and Vandals were all part of the invasion
Who disrupted the trade? Barbarians
Why did the Roman Empire start recruiting the barbarians into their armies? They would take small pay
The capital of the western half was Rome and the eastern half started out Byzantium then became Constantinople
Who was the last emperor of Rome? Romulus Augustulus
476: The empire ended
Another reason why trade was disrupted in Rome because nobody wanted to by their goods
During the years, the empire was beset by, economic, military, and political problems.
Anyone who approached Diocletian's throne was required to kneel down and kiss the hem of his robe. True

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today in class we did a worksheet. The worksheet was pretty easy. We got to use our notes and then we went over the questions in class. We finished early in class and we got to just hang around and talk for like 5 minutes.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Today in class we finished reviewing the reading packet.Colleen Cole and I got to reenact a part of the packet. It was a very fun class today. Over this lovely weekend I am going to the beach with my friend. Enjoy this beautiful weekend everyone.
Today in class we reviewed the worksheet we had for homework. It wad a very hot and interesting class. Tomorrow we will finish reviewing the worksheet.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

inflation: increase in prices 

Diocletian: a strong-willed army leader and son of a slave. Ranked one of Rome's greatest emperors.
Constantine: four rivals were competing for power and he was one of the young commanders. Ranked one of Rome's greatest emperors. 
eastern empire: Greek speaking, Greece, Asia, Minor, Syria and Egypt. Included most of the great cities and trade centers of the empire. 
western empire: Latin speaking, Italy, Gaul, Britannia,  and Spain.
Edict of Milan: the man who made Christianity a religion that was approved  by the emperor. 

Constantinople: thus, the center of empire shifted from west to east, there was a new capital that was protected by massive walls and gleamed with stately buildings. They city even had a new name Constantinople. 
Huns: central people from Asia.
Attila: The Huns became more dangerous under their new leader, Attila.
Leo I: the first powerful pope of Rome.

1. During the Pax Romana, trade flowed over routes patrolled by roman navies and armies. trade was disrupted by barbarian raids and by bands or pirates on Mediterranean sea lanes. Romans paid out a fortune in gold and silver every year for imported luxuries they craved. 

2. Tribes of northern barbarians called Goths repeatedly overran the legions guarding the Danube frontier. Syrian and Asia Minor were threatened by Persia. Roman soldiers now fought strictly for money not for patriotism. To attract recruits into the army, the government promised ever high cash awards. 

3a. He out a Christian symbol on his soldiers' shields. 
3b. End to the persecution of Christians. From Milan, he granted "both to the Christians and to all men freedom to follow the religion that they choose." In 395, the emperor theodosius made christianity the empire's official religion. 

4a. The third phase of Rome's decline was a century of destruction beginning in A.D. 376 and ending in 476. Many different groups took part in Rome's destruction: Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Burgundians, Lombards, and Vandals. thought fearless fighters, the Germanic tribes were terrified of the Huns, a nomadic people from central Asia. 
4b. When the Huns began to move west, they began the massive movement of Germanic peoples that eventually destroyed the western half of the Roman empire. 

5. Some reasons why Diocletian should be considered a successful emperor because he doubles the size of the roman armies, the costs were fixed for everything from a haircut to a bottle of wine, and ordered a general persecution of the  Christians. Some reasons reasons why he might be considered a failure is the wages for the new troops added to the already crushing load of taxes, price controls failed and even when he lived, his plans failed. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Today in class we reedited our papers. Emily and Rachel fixed my paper. Emily made little corrections and Rachel made a lot of corrections. I am glad I had people edit my paper so I know what I need to fix to make my paper a better paper. Emily Waite says hello. Also we talked about how one time Mr; Schick has to take a final exam with three essay questions 1,500 words each question. Mr Schick also told us that he had to talk to a class about Hippolyta. He pronounced it (Hipp-o-ly-ta).

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Today in class we took another test. We got 15 minutes to study before we took the test. It was pretty easy. Nothing I can't handle. Tomorrow in class we will start to write our paper, which is our essay question for the test. We have to write a full paper. 500 words, Times New Roman, 12 font, all that good stuff,

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Today in class we finished up the rest of the power point. He announced to us that we will be having a test tomorrow. 5 minutes before school ended there was an announcement made that we are under a tornado watch so we all had to go out into the hallway and sit until 3:30 before we could leave. Some notes from the end of the power point are:

Religious Troubles:
  • Christianity and Judaism: monotheistic
  • They had many gods
  • At times the emperor was viewed as a god
Persecution of Christians:
  • Romans were harsh toward those who would not worship the emperor

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Octavian- AKA Caesar Augustus
  • Begins the Pax Romana (peace)
  • When he died he passed the power to Tiberius
  • He set up a civil service to take care of the roads, the grain supply, even a postal service
  • Emperor when Jesus was born
  • He was a practicing Jew
  • Roman citizen
  • He began his ministry at age 30
  • He said words that made the Romans and Jews nervous so they began to plan his execution
  • Pontius Pilate sentences Jesus to death by crucifixion
  • Paul is the guy who spread the word about Jesus' death, resurrection, and message
  • Paul traveled to many places telling them about Jesus and he has never met him
  • He wrote letters to many of those he spoke to
A Ranking of the Most Influential People:
  1. Muhammad
  2. Sir Isaac Newton
  3. Jesus
  4. Buddha
  5. Confucius
  1. St Pail of Tarsus
  • They often adopted people to be next when its time
  • Stepson of Octavian
  • He didn't want to run the emperor
  • He didn’t get along with the Senate, he referred to them as "men fit to be slaves"
  • When he died he gave the power to Caligula
  • He was Germanicus' son
  • Tiberius adopted grandson
  • Granted bonuses to those in the military
  • He began to fight with the Senate
  • He had statues of him displayed in many places
  • slept with other man's wives
  • They said he tried to make his horse a consul
  • Set apart by his family because of his disabilities
  • He built roads, defeated Britain, renovated the Circus Maximus
  • His wife Messalina was never faithful to him
  •  he found Silius as a threat
  • Had Messalina and Silius killed
Today in class Mr. Schick met with one of the candidates for the principal while we worked on whatever we wanted to work on. Then when he came back to class we went over a power point on the Roman Empire. We will finish up the power point tomorrow in class then take a test on The Roman Empire Thursday.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Roman Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD.

Tiberius was by birth a Claudian, son of Tiberius Claudius Nero and Livia Drusilla. 
His mother divorced his father and was remarried to Augustus in 39 BC, making him a step-son of Octavian.
Tiberius was one of Rome's greatest generals
He conquered Pannonia, Dalmatia, Raetia, and temporarily Germania

Roman Emperor from 37 to 41
The young Gaius earned the nickname Caligula, meaning "little soldier's boot" from his father's soldiers

Roman Emperor from 41 to 54.
He was the first emperor to be born outside Italy.
his family ostracized him
He constructed many new roads, aqueducts, and canals across the empire.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Caligula's older brothers were killed, his dad was killed, but his mom is still live
caligula was the only one who survived later
he made his friend his enemy

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Octavian's adopted son
forced to marry someone else
little kid who wore armor suit

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So my day was very fun. I got to take another test in class. I think I did pretty well on it. We reviewed the Rome and Greek test. I didn't do so well on the Rome one but when we were reviewing for the Greek one I think I did pretty sure. We will see about that one. Tomorrow I am not sure what we will be doing in class. Hopefully something fun.

Friday, May 6, 2011

In class today we took a quiz. We only has 32 minutes to take it because we got out of school at 12:40 today, so the classes were shortened. I am not sure how I did on it. Hopefully I did good.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Latin's were the first group to start setting
Etruscans had an alphabet
System of writing
Settled on the Tiber river
They are never going to have just one single person in charge
After Rome won the war with Carthage it became a empire
The Gracchus brother's led movements for public good
they also wanted the government to supply food to the poor and create a sort of "welfare"
The Gracchus brothers were soon seen as a threat to the rich and were killed along with their followers.
This triggered a one hundred year war
The rich are getting richer and living on the latifundia
The Rubicon is a stream in northeastern Italy that marked the ancient boundary between Italy and cisalpine 
Julius Caesar started to ride in 60. B.C.
58 B.C. started his conquest in Gaul
He decided to stay in Gaul
He started toward Rome in January 49 B.C.
The first triumvirate was the political alliance of Gaius and Julius Caesar
Marcus Licinius Crassus was really rich
He was known for part in three great events
Crassus, Pompeius, Julius Caesar
Julius was said to be stabbed 23 times when he was killed
He was killed on March 15
60 or more men were said to participate in the assassination
He was first stabbed by a guy named Casca
He tried to get up but then realized he had 23 stab wounds
Everybody had knifes and all took a turn stabbing him
He was the senate
Octavian was the grand nephew and adopted Julius Caesar
They got revenge on the people who killed Julius
100 senators and 2000 businessmen were kill for revenge of the death of Julius 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today in class Mr. Schick wasn't here but we finished up our power points. We will present them in class tomorrow.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chi- Cago


Civil War




Julius Caesar




The Rubicon River

Thursday, April 28, 2011

consul- two roman officials. 
veto- consul being overruled. 
senate- aristocratic branch of Rome's government.
assembly- the democratic side of the Roman government. 
dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army. 
mercenary- soldiers who fight in any army for pay. 

1. Plebeians were barred by law from holding most important positions in government. The Plebeians won the reforms. They had won a greater share of the political power. They allowed the marriage between the two groups. 

2. Their government was partly a monarchy, partly an aristocratic and partly a democracy. The Romans believed that this mixture gave them the best features of all kinds of governments. 

3. They conquered most of Italy. The land they had conquered all had different laws to them and they were all treated differently. 

4. Carthage appeared having the strongest power because they have a population of 250,000 which was about three times the size of Rome. They also have a HUGE Navy of 500 ships. Rome was the stronger of the two. They had three advantages. First, Rome could draw on a reserve of more than 500,000 troops made available through its conquests in Italy. Second, Rom;es citizen troops were generally more loyal and reliable than the mercenaries employed by Carthage. Third, warfare was a Roman specialty. 

5. If Hannibal would have been victor, Carthage and not Tome would have become the greatest empire in the world. 

6. Greeks welcomed Roman Armies because they went marching into Macedon and looked like protector of Greek freedom. The Greek attitude changed because the romans interfered with the Greek politics, crashing all opposition to rulers favored by Rome. Roman power in the east became ruthless.    

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1. Define: (a) republic, (b) gravitas, (c) pater familias, (d) toga, (e) patrician, (f) plebeian, (g) legion, (h) century
Republic - A political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders.
Gravitas - A person with discipline, strength, and loyalty.
Pater familias - Had the power to rule in the early Roman household by law and custom. The eldest man had this power. He was called this.
Toga - A loose one-piece outer garment worn in public by male citizens.
Patrician - Romans of the upper class.
Plebeian - The common farmers, artisans, and merchants 
Legion - Learning to fight Roman-style meant being part of a massive military unit.
Century - A period of 100 years.

1. Rome had a lot of importing and exporting goods.

2. Rome was founded by Latin Shepard's. The Greek's helped them get closer to trade routes and Greek Civilization. The Roman's had an alphabet that the Roman's later used. 

3. The Roman societies main values were, family, strength, loyalty, and discipline.

4. The Pater Familias organized the families. He had all the control. He could sell anyone into slavery. They women also ran the household, but didn't get any authority to vote. 

5. All male Roman citizens had to join the army. They were always in wars, so they had to have a well prepared, strong army. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today in class I was not there but my class had taken a test. Mr. Schick was also not there, he is sick. I am hoping the test isn't too hard. I will be taking the test when I return from California. I hope everyone has a good easter break! Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Alexander's Conquest Emily K 95%

Where was he born? Pella
Where did he die? Babylon
How old was Alexander when he had his first battle? Age 20

In today's class we reviewed for our test tomorrow. We each went over our project and told Mr. Schick some questions we think should be on the test. I will not be in class tomorrow so I will take the test when I come home. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Well today's class was fun. I brought in cookies for the class to eat and then we watched the scenes from the movie Alexander since Emily K or Colleen didn't get to see it. Darius is the leader of the Persians. Bucephalus is the horse that Alexander rides on his whole life, from his youth to India. I had got 5 extra credit points because I wore my shirt. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today in class Emily K was suppose to go but she wasn't in school today. So instead we got to watch this AWESOME movie.......NOT! about Alexander, Darius, and the Battle of Gaugamela. It was pretty interesting seeing people get there leg chopped off by spikes and people getting stabbed in the throat. Tomorrow not sure what the class will be like. Hopefully Emily is back so she can do her power point. Some notes I took about the movie are:
Bucephalus horse
Phillip the second is Alexander's father
Aristotle is alexander's tutor
When Alexander's father was murder he took over and he was only 20 years old
They are out numbered like 6 to 1

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hellenic Age Amir 98%
323 - 146 B.C.
Mixed cultures together
Togas are the most common clothing worn back then
They worn sandals
Where did Alexander die? Babylon
When Alexander died it marked the Hellenic Age
His empire was divided into 4 kingdoms
Why was his empire divided into 4 kingdoms?
Why was Rome so strong?

In class today we had mini red velvet cupcakes before Amir gave his presentation. Emily Kennedy still has to go tomorrow. DON'T FORGET TO BUY YOUR TEE SHIRT.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

History of Ancient Greek Art Madi 93%
Myron has sculptures that were for the athletics
Phidias created a bronze sculpture of Athena on the acropolis
Lysippus all of his work was made out of bronze
Polyclitus he liked creating people nude
Praxiteles his school of art mostly contained marble
Why was there different time periods?
Who liked to create people nude?
What was all of Lysippus work made out of?
Greek Drama Mark 100%
Really important to the Greeks
Tragedy, comedy, and satyr
Tragedies are really tragic they usually have happy endings
What was an important of greek? 
What do tragedies deal with? 
What do they call their theaters? 
Satyr plays make fun of the characters
In theirs play they deal with amateurs
Greek Army and Battles Jason 95%
Did the Trojan War just take place in Troy? 
The war was also one of the greatest events in Greek mythology
They thought the horse was a gift
Who was one of the greatest commanders of all time? 
Who was one of Alexandra's generals?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Greek Architecture  Rachel - 100%
  • What did Greek building look like?
  • What are the three types of Greek architecture?
  • What were the Order's? 
Greek Poets Elena - 98%
  • What are the periods of poetry?
  • Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey? 
  • What poet is a singer also? 
The Age of Pericles Cole - 100%
  • What built the Parthenon on the Acropolis? 
  • How long did the Parthenon take to build? 
  • When did the Golden Age end? 

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    Greek Philosophy- 99%
     I gave Colleen a 99 percent because she had some really hard words to pronounce and dint know them 
    • Who left their country to study with the wise men of Egypt? 
    • Who always asked people if they knew what love and courage meant? 
    • Who was a student of Socrates? 


    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    Breakthroughs Math and Science: 95%
    I gave Emily a 95 because she didn't really know what she was talking about. When people would ask her question she didn't know the answer. 

    • What was Pythagoras know for?
    • What was the formula he used?
    • Why didn't the Greeks like Algebra?
    Homer: 97%
    I gave Rita a 97 because she had some misspellings but knew what she was talking about.

    • Who was homer the son of?
    • What books did homer write?
    • What were some of Homer's writing styles?

    Today was a very fun class and they pie was great! Thanks again Emily. 

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Today was our first class back from break. It was a good class. We got to see the way Mr. Schick wants our power point from his own power point he made it his class he is taking. We got time in class to touch up our power points. Tomorrow in class we will have to present them to the whole class. In class today we just presented them to someone in the class. Tomorrow's class should be interesting. Emily Waite is bringing in pie for her project and just seeing everybody's power point should be fun, but I think mine will be the best of them all!

    Friday, March 25, 2011

    Today in class we reviewed the last test of the quarter but not the last grade. I didn't do so well on the test :( We each read a question and said the answer. He gave us the tests back so we can use them to study for the final exam. He also handed back some other papers from a while ago and we went over those tests and papers. On the test that I got back I got an 79. I am happy with that grade. It is better then failing. We went over the short answer and essay questions on the test.

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    Well today in class everyone was being wild and annoying including me :) After everyone settled down and listened to Mr. Schick we figured out that we have a project to do over spring break :( My topic is The Trial of Socrates. I guess it should be easy but I am not sure. Everyone was arguing on I want this and I want that but I am okay with my topic. I am okay with my topic. I am going to do what I can to figure out what I need to finish this project no matter what it takes. 

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Today we took the hardest test of my life and of course I did not pass :( it cover early Greek civilization and we got to our blog. It was worth 58 points and had 29 problems. Athena is the goddess of the patron capital city of Greece. The Greek's living in a arete life.

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    They are looking for a new leader
    Glorified Athens
    Create a city with greatness that everybody would admire
    Wanted Athens to be the most rocking city in the whole untied states
    Memorial to those killed there
    Massive reconstructive
    A billion dollars now a days to build
    Tribute to Athena
    Put everybody to work
    20,000 tons of marble
    Pericles treated this like it was part of his own project
    15 years to build
    Gold and ivory is what Athena was build out of
    Carved marble on the inside of the temple
    You saw regular people
    2 and a half inches thick
    If you were to look up it looked like the were higher than they really are
    On top of the Acropolis and when people would look at it they would say wow!
    Aspasia, not from Athens, prostitute, 
    Pericles divorced his wife and married Aspasia
    Pericles treated her as an equal
    He totally fell in love with this lady
    She was in on all the conversations
    Worlds first theater
    It was really noisy
    Greeks invented drama
    Comedy and tragedy
    Fell in love with his mother and killed his father
    Stabbed his eyes out
    He brought Athens to death and destruction  
    Athens takes war with Sparta
    Pericles convinced all Athens to abandon all around the
    Peloponnesian war

    Friday, March 18, 2011

     He does know how to make a city great
    To ram the enemies ship
    Fast and very slick weapon
    480 B.C.
    Discovered a huge grain of silver
    480 B.C.
    The Persian Empire set out for peace
    Second attack from the Persians
    Burn temples to the ground
    The Greeks win the war against The Persian Empire again for the second time
    Straits of Salamis
    The Persians have lost 200 ships at the end of the battle
    The Athenians are going to have a navy
    Delian League
    Athenian Empire
    Vote once a year to get rid of someone from the place
    Themistocles was ostracized from the country
    He spent the rest of his life wondering from state to state

    Thursday, March 17, 2011


    • Cleisthenes brother in law
    • he reduced taxes

    • brother was killed
    • he got really annoyed easily
    • He didn't trust the normal people
    • He was going crazy
    510 B.C.

    • Cleisthenes was one of the most power fullest people
    40,000 people have come to watch the Olympics

    • Rich people use to only fight against rich people
    • when Cleisthenes came into power anybody could fight against anybody

    • he is going to try to take over Cleisthenes
    • good friend of the Spartans 
    • 800 houses were casted out
    Athens stoop up and kept rule over Isagoris and Sparta

    • anybody could go up to the agora and explain what they wanted to do next
    • every nine days they voted
    • a white pebble was for yes and a black pebble for not

    • The Persian Empire is going to try to take over and destroy Athens
    • ran 140 miles in just 2 days

    • soldier
    • these soldiers were prepared
    • they had armor and swords
    • Greece killed 6000 Persians

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    We reviewed the video that we watched on Friday while Mr. Schick was on retreat. I didn't take notes really in complete sentences.
    508 B.C. ordinary people turn on their rulers
    Govern themselves
    Aristocrat- member of the ruling class
    Acropolis- out cropping of rock
    Reading and writing was a rare skill
    These people were not slaves but they were treated as badly as slaves
    Aristotle - greek writer
    Greece was divided into city states
    Greece was not one big country
    If the food looked nasty it tasted nasty
    Spartan life style- no frills
    Spartans were a threat!
    Their stories inspired the Greeks
    The Odyssey and The lliad
    Homer wrote both of these great books
    Tyrant- somebody who comes in and seize control
    Pisistratus-  Cleisthenes brother in law

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    Peloponnesian- little island
    Geography of Greece:
    • Mountainous peninsula
      • Mountains cover 3/4
    • Approximately 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas
    • Location shaped its culture
    • Skilled sailors
    • Poor natural resources
    • Difficult to unite the ancient Greeks because of the terrain; developed small, independent communities
    • A lot of people that didn’t get along
    • Easier to get around with ships
    Geography continued:
    • Approximately 20 % of Greece is suitable for farming
    • Fertile valleys cover 14 of peninsula
    • Because of the geography (mountains) the Greek diet consists of grains, grapes, olives
    • Lack of resources most likely led to Greek colonization
    • Temperatures range from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer
    • They don’t have to get use to different weather changes
    • They don’t have massive snow storms, or a lot of rain
    • They also eat grapes
    • People were athletic, it was your responsible to keep yourself in shape
    • Good wine makers
    • Colonization- they colonized on the water and ocean
    • Began around 2000 B.C.
    • Mycenae is located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft. thick wall
    • Mycenaean kings dominated Greece from 1600-1200 B.C.
      • Controlled trade in the region
    • 1400 B.C. Mycenaean's invaded Crete and absorbed Minoan culture and language
    Culture in Decline:
    • Around 1200 B.C. sea people began to invade Mycenae and burnt palace after palace
    • The Dorians moved into the war-torn region
      • Far less advanced
      • Economy collapsed
      • Writing disappeared for 400 years
    • They were like body builders
    • They are very big and get people away
    • They didn’t know how to read or write
    • They don’t trade, don’t interact with people
    • They told stories but didn’t record anything else
    Homer and Myths:
    • Only stories were kept and passed on by word of mouth
    • Homer lived at the end of the "Greek Dark Ages"
    • Recorded storied of the Trojan War in The lliad and The Odyssey (written 750-700 B.C.)
      • Trojan war was probably one of the last conquests of the Mycenaeans
    • Homer was blind
    • He wasn’t a rich man
    • Wrote the two most good books people wanted to hear
    Greek Concepts:
    • ArĂȘte
      • Virtue and excellence
    • Epics
      • Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
    • Myths were created to explain creating
      • Zeus: leader of the gods
      • Hera: Zeus' wife
      • Athena: goddess of wisdom