Tuesday, June 7, 2011

In today's class we didn't do much. We talked about some things, like what's going to be on the exam, and just questions anyone had. Then we really just sat around. I hope I do well on my exam. Good Luck to all!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Today's class was very fun. We went over the quiz we took yesterday. It went very well. After reviewing the quiz, we had a party, with a lot of food. We had candy, chips, goldfish. We also got to watch this lovely video about some kind of fish.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Today in class we took our last test for Mr. Schick's class. The class was very short but I finished in time. We only have two more classes left, in which we will spend reviewing for the exam on Wednesday.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

When Christianity became a real religion it was called the Edict of Milan .
The Huns were the most feared of all the barbarian tribes.
Which of the half of the Roman Empire included most of the major cities and centers of trade? Eastern
Who sacked over 70 cities but failed to take over Constantinople in Rome? Attila
Something about inflation is on the test
Which of the groups were not part of the invasions? Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Burgundians, Lombards, and Vandals were all part of the invasion
Who disrupted the trade? Barbarians
Why did the Roman Empire start recruiting the barbarians into their armies? They would take small pay
The capital of the western half was Rome and the eastern half started out Byzantium then became Constantinople
Who was the last emperor of Rome? Romulus Augustulus
476: The empire ended
Another reason why trade was disrupted in Rome because nobody wanted to by their goods
During the years, the empire was beset by, economic, military, and political problems.
Anyone who approached Diocletian's throne was required to kneel down and kiss the hem of his robe. True

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today in class we did a worksheet. The worksheet was pretty easy. We got to use our notes and then we went over the questions in class. We finished early in class and we got to just hang around and talk for like 5 minutes.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Today in class we finished reviewing the reading packet.Colleen Cole and I got to reenact a part of the packet. It was a very fun class today. Over this lovely weekend I am going to the beach with my friend. Enjoy this beautiful weekend everyone.
Today in class we reviewed the worksheet we had for homework. It wad a very hot and interesting class. Tomorrow we will finish reviewing the worksheet.